What is new in Cobuilder Collaborate?
Release notes
22 October 2024
Enter Risk assessment via shield icon in Chemical list
To be forwarded to Risk assessment where users can take action on the chemicals
11 September 2024
Updated versions of the following chemical lists are now available in Cobuilder Collaborate:
- REACH Article 59(10) – Candidate list
- REACH Annex XVII – Restrictions list
- REACH Annex XIV – Authorisation list
- Norwegian FOR-2004-06-01-922 (Product Regulations)
You can choose to apply them on existing projects if appropriate. New projects receive automatically the updated chemical requirements. Users are notified about updates to the chemical lists through a message on the project dashboard.
27 July 2024
We are happy to announce the new mobile Chemical List page, accessible through the QR code. The redesign introduces significant enhancements allowing workers on construction sites to take quick actions if an incident occurs:
- improved SDS search
- easier SDS download
- better navigation in the Chemical list
- overall cleaner and more intuitive design
4 June 2024
The exposure register you can create in Collaborate include the mandatory 11-digit Social Security Numbers (SSNs) as per legal requirements. Due to the sensitive nature of the last 5 digits of SSNs they are now obfuscated everywhere in the system to enhance privacy and security of the registered employees’ data.
21 may 2024
A new functionality that leverages advanced AI will help users with quality assurance of products to facilitate compliance with BREEAM-NOR 6.1 Mat02 requirements. The new AI feature reviews automatically Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) to identify whether they contain information regarding substances listed on the Candidate list. If it detects such information, the exact sentence/paragraph is displayed in the BREEAM detailed status menu and in the assessment screen. If no information is found, a message will indicate absence of references to the Candidate list in the EPD document.
12 March 2024
- Updated versions of the following chemical lists are now available in Cobuilder Collaborate:
Norwegian priority list
REACH Article 59(10) – Candidate list
You can choose to apply them on existing projects if appropriate. New projects receive automatically the updated chemical requirements. Users are notified about updates to the chemical lists through a message on the project dashboard.
27 february 2024
A temporary adjustment in BREEAM-NOR v6 simplifies the requirements for product documentation to address challenges in the construction industry.
This is how the updated requirements are reflected in the BREEAM filter in Cobuilder Collaborate.Now you can pull out a report with the products that are covered by the requirements for product documentation according to BREEAM-NOR 6.0. The report concerns information om project level and contains names of relevant documents, information about missing documentation, product assessments against relevant requirements, etc.
19 december 2023
Updated versions of the following chemical lists are now available in Cobuilder Collaborate:
- REACH Annex XVII – Restrictions list
- Norwegian priority list
- REACH Annex XIV – Authorisation list
- Norwegian FOR-2004-06-01-922 (Product Regulations)
You can choose to apply them on existing projects if appropriate. New projects receive automatically the updated chemical requirements. Users are notified about updates to the chemical lists through a message on the project dashboard.
18 july 2023
Now users can easily identify chemicals with diisocyanates in the project. Diisocyanates do not trigger deviations, but you can find an overview of the chemicals containing diisocyanates by clicking on the new button on the dashboard in the Chemical list menu.
When exporting a logbook users can now see which company/region delivered the product to the project in the new ‘Added by’ column.
Products that do not remain in the building, such as hand or cleaning tools, are now excluded from the product groups that trigger deviations in the filter for managing requirements according to BREEAM-NOR v6.0.
23 June 2023
An updated version of the Candidate List is now available in Cobuilder Collaborate, and you can choose to apply it on existing projects if appropriate. New projects automatically receive the updated chemical requirements.
6 June 2023
Now risk assessment templates that are created by the mother company are also available for the daughter companies. This way all companies in the organization’s hierarchy can take advantage of the same risk assessment templates.
When a company invites a region to a project, they can now send the invitation directly to the region’s designated email address. This way big organizations with many regions in their hierarchy do not need to put in additional effort to distribute the invitations to each region.
11 May 2023
You can now create an information sheet not only for a chemical on your project but also for hazardous biological materials and substances that are released when processing materials (such as during hot work). Follow the steps in the FAQ to start creating your first information sheet! Company administrators now have an overview of all information sheets created within the organisation. All the information that is stored in the old ProductXchange is transferred to the new module.
A new report is now available to all company administrators. It shows which companies that are invited to projects are not registered in Collaborate, have not accepted the invitation, or delivered products. The report can be accessed from the dashboard that displays supplier status or from the Reports tab.
Now you can also pull out a report that shows the status of products used in the organisation. The report provides information on which of the products have environmental documentation or are missing legally required documents, such as safety data sheet or declaration of performance. The report can be accessed from the Reports tab.
12 April 2023
A new dashboard in Cobuilder Collaborate displays information to company admins about the number of companies that are invited to projects, but haven’t registered in the system, haven’t accepted the invitation, or delivered any products. With the next Collaborate update, a detailed report with this information will become available to company admins through a link on the dashboard.
Users can apply filters to sort their projects by different criteria. Now the system remembers the filter settings and displays the projects based on the selected criterium every time users open the list of projects after having worked in different modules in Collaborate. There is also an option to clear the filter settings if users want to apply different filters.
14 March 2023
When subcontractors complete the registration of projects they are invited to, they will be automatically redirected to the dashboard where they will be guided on the next steps they must take to deliver information about the products they use to the main contractor.
When you create or edit the project information in Collaborate, you are now able to find an explanation of what project ID is as well as information to contact your suppliers to check about requirements for the project ID.
31 January 2023
A new exposure registry is now available in Cobuilder Collaborate. All the information that is stored in the old ProductXcahnge is now transferred to the new module. The process for registering in the exposure registry is improved and users are guided through all the necessary steps. Take a look at the short video to learn how to use the new module.
11 January 2023
You can now activate the new BREEAM-NOR 6.0 filter to set requirements for documentation about construction materials in accordance with the new manual. Collection and assessment of the relevant documentation to meet the new certification requirements has never been easier! Read more in our FAQs.
08 November 2022
From now on, you will be notified whenever a new version of a Safety Data Sheet is available on a project. You will be able to choose whether you want to keep using the initial version of the SDS or update to the latest version:
- If you choose to continue with the initial version of the SDS (the one that was valid at the point of adding the chemical to the project), nothing will change.
- If you choose to update, the newest version will be applied in all project menus and exports. The status will be calculated based on the information in the newest SDS version, and users will be prompted to perform a new risk assessment of the chemical.
This way you will get a consistent display of your chemicals across all project menus. Learn more in our FAQ.
25 October 2022
A new module in Collaborate allows you to collect Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) and digital data about environmental indicators directly from the actors invited to the project. The data is easily exported and can be used for carbon footprint calculations. For more on how to set requirements for delivery of EPD data, take a look at our FAQs.
Enhanced functionality for inviting a company to the project
- Searching for a company by its VAT number has never been easier – regardless of the format you are using (XXX XXX XXX or XXXXXXXXX) Collaborate will return a result if the company is registered in the system.
- Companies that were invited to a project but have not registered in the system, receive now automatic reminders per email (every 14 days).
30 August 2022
You can now set requirements on chemicals on company level. Your company level chemical requirements are applied by default whenever a new project is created. If you make changes to the chemical requirements on company level, your existing projects will not be affected by the change. New projects will receive the new chemical requirements. Take a look at our FAQ.
The following chemical list has been updated and contains new substances:
- REACH Annex XVII – Restrictions list Annexes
New projects receive the update automatically. If you want to use the updated chemical list on existing projects, you can apply its new version manually in Collaborate. The updated list has “revised July 2022” in its name.
It is now possible to close deviations on NS Ecolabel requirements by performing an assessment of the product. If the product has status “Deviation” or “Missing GTIN” acc. to NS Ecolabel requirements, and you perform an assessment, it will be excluded from the Deviations counter on the dashboard and from the Deviations menu. This way you will be able to easily see which deviations have already been closed and which ones need to be addressed.
16 August 2022
It is now possible to close deviations on chemicals by performing a risk assessment on the product. If the product has status “Deviation” in line with project requirements, and you perform a risk assessment, it will be excluded from the Deviations-counter on the dashboard and from the Deviations menu. This way you will be able to easily see which deviations have already been closed and which ones need to be addressed.
05 July 2022
The following chemical lists have been updated and contain new substances:
- REACH Article 59(10) – Candidate list
- REACH Annex XIV – Authorisation list
New projects receive the updates automatically. If you want to use the updated chemical lists on existing projects, you can apply their new versions manually in Collaborate. The updated lists have “revised June 2022” in their names.
It is now possible to close BREEAM deviations by performing a BREEAM assessment on the product. If the product has status “Deviation” or “Missing documentation” acc. to BREEAM, and you perform a BREEAM assessment, it will be excluded from the Deviations-counter on the Dashboard and from the Deviations menu. This way you will be able to easily see which deviations have already been closed and which ones need to be addressed.
Soon you will also be able to close chemical deviations the same way – by performing a risk assessment on them. Stay tuned for updates!
1 June 2022
All companies with Collaborate subscription have now access to 5 free licenses for the Cobuilder mobile app. The app gives you better control over the products that are used on-site. Click here to learn more.
26 May 2022
You can now distinguish between products/chemicals delivered by active suppliers and products/chemicals delivered by archived suppliers. You can also choose to see all products/chemicals (both those delivered by active and archived suppliers) in each menu in the project. The default setting on the dashboard shows active products/chemicals. The new options for viewing products and chemicals will help you gain better visibility on what is currently being used in the project.
We have launched a new company registration process to further improve data security in the system. As there are minor changes in the process, we advise companies who have detailed guidelines for their supply chain, to update those. Take a look at our FAQ.
28 April 2022
We have introduced four additional chemical lists. They will help you “do no significant harm” (DNSH) according to the technical screening criteria for the environmental objective: pollution prevention and control chemicals. You can now activate the following chemical lists:
- (EC) 2019/1021 Substances that deplete the ozone layer
- EU 2019-1021 on persistent organic pollutants
- (EU) 2017/852 on Mercury
- 2011/65/EU hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (Rohs)
To complete the Appendix C, please make sure that the following lists are applied as well:
- REACH Article 59(10) – Candidate list (revised March 2022)
- REACH Annex XVII – Restrictions list + Restrictions list Annexes (revised March 2022)
- REACH Annex XIV – Authorisation list (revised March 2022)
8 March 2022
We have carried out a revision of our chemical lists. The revised lists will be applied at national and company level for new projects that are created in the system. Existing projects (active or archived) will not be affected by the changes, but will keep the old lists. If you want to apply the revised chemical lists to your existing projects, you can activate them manually in Collaborate. The new lists have “revised March 2022” as part of the file name.
18 January 2022
7 December 2021
The first company report is here! You can now generate the Chemical report that shows which chemicals in your organization hit the company’s chemicals filter. Learn more in our FAQ.
10 November 2021
We have introduced product instances in the BREEAM menu and the BREEAM export. What does it mean? If a product was delivered twice by different suppliers on the same project, it appears twice in the BREEAM menu. This way you will be able to see the exact date when the two product instances were delivered to the project, and you will be able to create separate BREEAM assessments based on how the particular product instance is used.
You can now perform assessment for compliance with NS Ecolabel requirements also from the Deviations menu. This way you don’t need to go to the tab “NS Ecolabel required products” every time.
27 October 2021
Now you can add Checklist A20 to the chemical requirements on your projects independently – without switching on the entire functionality for BREEAM requirements. This will help you identify which chemicals hit the list even on projects that will not be BREEAM certified. Learn more in our FAQ.
Now you can see the risk assessments performed on a project by scanning its QR code. See all the details in our FAQ.
28 September 2021
We have developed a new filter which facilitates the management of Nordic Swan Ecolabel requirements on projects. You can check automatically whether the products in the project are approved for use and get notification in case of deviations. This is how you use the new functionality – take a look at the FAQ.
Now you can filter products in the project by types of documents that are linked to the products – e.g., all products that have a DoP. You can also export this product list as well as the relevant documents that you have selected in the filter. See all the details in the FAQ.
Users that are registered as contact persons in the project will now receive notification per email when new products are delivered to the project. The email contains information about the products that are in breach with the project requirements – e.g., if they are missing a SDS or BREEM documentation, chemicals that hit the filter, etc.
02 September 2021
You can find more information about the types of ECOProduct documents that close A20-deviations, and all product documentation (incl. EcoProduct) will be available in the BREEAM module for assessment of products against BREEAM requirements. See our FAQ.
18 August 2021
We have improved the functionality for requesting a new product. Now you can easily see whether there are any mandatory fields that are not completed. Find out more in our FAQ.
20 July 2021
Improved visualisation of products and deviations for chemicals that consist of different components and have more than one SDS. Find all the details in our FAQ.
Now it is easier to send us a request for registering a new product in our product database. Learn more.
Now you can find information about the sender in deviation feedback emails. The email address of the sender is automatically filled out when you click on Reply so that you can easily send a message to the person who requested the documentation.
The deviation feedback email contains information about what you should do to deliver the missing documentation and where you can find information about legal requirements on language and content of SDS and DoP.
4 June 2021
Now you can find all risk managements that you have performed on older versions of Safety Data Sheets in your project. The system will notify you when new versions of SDS are released, and you can assess whether you need to perform a new risk management based on the new SDS. It is also possible to perform a risk management for each version of the SDS. See our FAQ
28 April 2021
We have improved the performance of Collaborate, and now the page My Projects loads up a lot faster. We have also reduced the time it takes to log into Collaborate.
16 March 2021
It is now easier to manage users and user information in Collaborate. It is no longer necessary to enter telephone country code when registering contact details. See all details in our FAQ.
The logbook report now also provides information about environmental documents that are connected to the products in your project. See our FAQ.
You can pull out a report of all risk managements performed by your company in the project. The report contains the full details of each risk management. Learn more.
You can also generate a report about the risk managements of your supply chain which gives you information on the number of performed and outstanding risk managements. Read our FAQ.
2 March 2021
You can add / edit the contact person in your project. The contact person appears on the QR-code for the chemicals list. This is how you edit contact person.
You can export the project’s chemicals list to Excel if you want to share the information with others who don’t have access to your project. Take a look at our FAQ.
You can check whether there are chemicals in the project that require registration of exposed employees in the exposure register. Find out more.